Meeting Your Time Keeper Meditation


Use this meditation when you are feeling like time is not your friend. When you are feeling pressured by time and like you can’t move forward with your goals. This meditation will help you to get time back on your side, release any subconscious resistance and fears and offer you the support you need to succeed.


How do you view time? Is it constantly pushing you, reminding you of all the things that you haven’t yet done that actually you really should have done yesterday?  Does time wake you up in the morning and instantly make you feel bad for sleeping that extra 5 minutes?

Or is time your friend, working with you to move through your day at your own desired pace?

Who is your Time Keeper?

Use this meditation when you are feeling like time is not your friend. When you are feeling pressured by time and like you can’t move forward with your goals. This meditation will help you to get time back on your side, release any subconscious resistance and fears and offer you the support you need to succeed.